Time Off Equals Chaos

For the first time in decades, I left my full time job and am currently working part time until I find another part time to fill in. It’s a long story, but after working a full time plus a part time job for six months, the time came to dial down the crazy a bit….

 Happy Mother’s Day to Those of You Keepin It Real

I hate to disappoint those of you who may have come to expect a smarmy ode to the sacrifices of mothers everywhere on this Overpriced Hallmark holiday. Don’t get me wrong, it is briefly gratifying to receive that half-hearted bouquet of flowers from your darling until you get the fifty dollar bill paid for by…

Spring Break–Come On Over to the Dark Side

  The words “spring break” may conjure up visions of college kids partying the week away or adorable little families on TV-worthy biking excursions or trips to Disney land with little angelic kids who dutifully do whatever their parents of the family of 2.2 kids desire.  For the rest of us in the real world,…

Holiday Travel: “I Shouldn’t Be Alive”

You know those documentaries that detail harrowing real-life experiences of people who have survived natural disasters, accidents, or crimes that should have killed them? I am convinced that holiday travel should rank in there somewhere as another disaster from which it is amazing that anyone emerges alive, especially when traveling with four children under the…

“C” Minus 6 Days

“And so the days are hastening on, by prophet bards foretold . . .” Wait a minute, I guess the author was talking about more lofty topics like angels et cetera than the number of days until the most overhyped American holiday arrives. As Facebook has kindly informed us, this crazy holiday will be supercharged…

Happy Holidays–Quit Whining

It is now December 6th and we are a solid week into the holiday season. This heralds the beginning of unrealistic expectations and varying levels of angst for everyone.  I hate shopping and am filled with ambivalence at the prospect of mandatory attendance at my childrens’ school holiday shows. This year, the advent of the…

School Prep–Survival of the Fittest

I’m not sure if going back to school is an event to be celebrated or survived by parents.  Of course, the idea of the little darlings being locked into classrooms for a minimum of 6 hours daily doing structured activities that do not involve wrecking the house is most appealing.  However, achieving this goal is…

The Plumbing Curse

For as long as I can remember, Dad was cursed when it came to plumbing. Any bathroom remodelling or repairs were accompanied by dark mutterings, scuffling, and leaking. It never went well–ever. I would have been wise to heed past experiences and the potential that the plumbing curse is genetic–but noooo. . .I tempted fate…

Dollar Store Doors–The Struggle Is Real

Many photo galleries and articles are devoted to describing WalMart clientele. We are all familiar with that. . . However, I had spent very little time considering the oddities of the dollar store crowd. Last week, I had to purchase favors for an event, and was stuck behind a lady who took forever to checkout…

Killing With Kindness–It’s the Thought That Counts

So last week, I had my annual vacation in the hospital, courtesy of asthma. Every spring, the clouds of pollen and other happy debris prompt my bronchioles to turn into evil little monsters who refuse to allow air into my lungs–yay! The evil empire can only be persuaded to unclench their little tubes after mega…

“Reading is Lame” Confessions of a Second-Grader

   Today was the first day back to school after spring break.  I expected grumpy kids, resistance to hopping on the bus for the final leg of the school year. However, I was not prepared for this afternoon’s revelation.  In an attempt to boost student reading, the school district has implemented a rewards program that…